Have you ever been pregnant? Do you have Diastasis Recti?
Did you know that 99% of people who are pregnant get a diastasis recti (DR) during pregnancy? This is actually a good thing.
A diastasis recti is when the rectus abdominis or the “6-pack” muscle separates. The middle part of the muscle, called the linea alba, stretches to take pressure off of your pelvic floor and allow room for your baby to grow.
A DR should heal on its own after you have your baby. However, if you continue to have one after 12 weeks postpartum, your DR might need a little guidance to remember to close. It is never too late to close your DR. In fact, I have had people in their 80’s still close their DRs.
If your diastasis does not close on its own after 12 weeks, it is important to help it heal so that you do not have any issues in the future. Non functional DRs have been linked to back pain, incontinence, prolapse, and pelvic pain. A DR can also cause you to still look pregnant even though you are not.
In order to heal a diastasis recti, it is important to strengthen your core. The core is basically your deep abdominal, back, glute, and pelvic floor muscles. The rectus abdomens muscle on your stomach and is not actually part of your core, yet when it is separated, it does not allow your core to function properly.
When healing a DR, it is important that you take the exercises slowly and you do not advance them too quickly. I am not going to lie, the exercises to heal a DR are “boring”, but they are worth it! They will help your DR close to help protect your back and body in the future.
Watch the video below to check to see if you have a diastasis recti.