Poop, poop, poop- it’s good for you!
My pooping family!
Did you know that 80% of children who accidentally pee in their pants are constipated? That is A LOT! There is no study that directly links the rate of constipation and adults who have urinary leaking, but my guess is that number would also be high.
If you are not able to fully empty your rectum with a good, satisfying bowel movement (aka poop), then the remaining poop in your colon pushes on the bladder and can cause it to leak because it doesn't have enough room to fill up with more urine (pee). This can lead to incontinence or leaking urine.
Having a daily bowel movement does not automatically mean you are not constipated. It is normal and healthy to poop anywhere from 3 times a day to 3 times a week. It is important that you are able to eliminate everything without straining or pushing. If you have to push or strain to have your poop come out, that likely indicates that you are constipated. Your poop should be a nice consistency similar to play-dough and should be at least a quarter size in diameter. It should look like a nice log (type 4 below).
What type are you?
Take these 5 steps to avoid constipation:
Limit stress
Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water a day
Use a step stool or squatty potty to help relax the pelvic floor muscles
Eat a lot of fruits and veggies every day
Move every day
1. Limit stress
This is a good time of year to be extra mindful about the people who you are giving your energy to. Try to limit the number of toxic conversations you have. Limit how much news you are watching, reading, and listening to. Our brains are developed to handle stress from one little village, not the entire world. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to step away from the news right now so you can focus on your immediate friends and family. Developing a daily habit of meditation, journaling, prayer, and/or exercise is a good way to decrease your stress levels.
2. Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water a day
This is the same amount of water you need to drink to have a healthy bladder. Drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water a day will help to keep your stool from being too hard, which would make it more difficult to have a satisfying bowel movement. Once your poop is made inside your intestines, if you are dehydrated, your body will take out the remaining water from the stool to hydrate other parts of your body. This will cause your poop to look like little balls and it will be harder to pass. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
3. Use a step stool or squatty potty to help relax the pelvic floor muscles
Place something under your feet when you are going to the bathroom to make your knees slightly higher than your hips. This allows the pelvic floor muscles (specifically a muscle called the puborectalis) to fully relax. This muscle goes from your pubic bone and wraps around your rectum, like a sling shot. If this muscle is not fully relaxed, it makes it very difficult to fully empty your rectum without pushing.
4. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies every day
Getting enough fiber will help your bowel movements be a good consistency. Eating fruits and veggies every day will automatically increase your water intake and it will allow your poop to be softer. Depending on your size, adults should eat 2-4 cups of fruits a day and 2-5 cups of veggies a day. You can add these by drinking them (juice/smoothies), eating them raw, dried, or cooking them.
5. Move every day
Moving your body helps your bowels work. In order to make poop, your bowels have to move which is called peristalsis. When you move your body (think exercise or walking) it helps your bowels move. Getting in at least 30 minutes of purposeful movement a day is important for your poop!